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Cheap hair transplant clinic in Lahore, Pakistan
Our clinic is offering best hair transplant results in Pakistan and we strive to provide each individual with only the best in treatment, keeping them motivated to improve their appearance.

Make an Appointment
Address: Cosmoderma hair transplant Clinic 85 K Block Gulberg-3 near Firdous Market Lahore, Pakistan.
Tel: +92-42-3587-4529
Cell & Whatsapp: +92-333-430-9999
Timing: 9.00 AM to 5 .00 pm (Mon to Sat)
We are committed to provide world class ultra refined follicular procedure. Dr.Ahmad chaudhry is one of the pioneer in Lahore ,Pakistan for hair restoration surgery.

Internationally recommended surgeon and clinic for hair loss & baldness treatment in Lahore..

Bald head treatment and permanent solution lies in hair restoration surgery as its results are life long ..
Services We Offer
FUE Hair Transplant in Lahore Pakistan or Follicular unit Extraction is an advanced technique of hair restoration.
Female hair Restoration
Female hair loss treatment in Lahore is carried out from the last twenty years with a high success rate.
Body Hair Transplant
Body hair use for head in Pakistan can give you amazing results if performed by an experienced and skilled.
Eyebrow Hair Transplant
An eyebrow hair regrowth surgery in Lahore Pakistan is performed by taking hair from donor area and placing into brow area..
Hair Loss Cause Treatment
Hair loss causes and treatment in Pakistan. It is not a disease but can be encountered as a result of some diseases. It can be permanent or temporary.
Hair transplant cost in Pakistan is 50,000 to 200,000 Pak Rupee. It depends upon technique, grafts quantity and surgeon's skill & experience.
Follicular Unit Extraction
Follicular Unit extraction procedure in Pakistan Lahore is performed by Board certified hair restoration surgeon.
Why Choose Our Transplantation Services
Our clinic is offering best hair transplant results in Pakistan and we strive to provide each individual with only the best in treatment, keeping them motivated to improve their appearance.
Best hair transplant results in Lahore Pakistan one can get from an experienced, well reputed and qualified hair surgeon.
Best hair loss treatment in Lahore Pakistan is a lifelong procedure and therefore every potential candidate must assess and compare the cost of this surgery from various surgeons
Are you tired of baldness? Have you tried all the hair essentials but you can’t grow your hair again? Then what are you waiting for?
Medical hair restoration for hair loss in Pakistan is possible solutions. Hair loss and hair fall is a normal phenomenon as every individual.
Our hair clinic in Lahore has expert hair restoration surgeon who can reconstruct frontal hairline in a natural way.
Fue in Pakistan is a new hair restoration procedure where follicles are extracted from donor area with tiny punches,
Frequently Asked Questions
There are many hair loss treatment clinics in Pakistan offering surgical as well as non surgical methods. Hair restoration surgery is a skill along with qualification and experience. One should always choose experienced and highly qualified surgeon so that you should not search for corrective surgery procedure later on. Dr.Ahmad Chaudhry is an experienced (20 years) hair transplant surgeon with proven result and a lot of references all across the world. Dr.Ahmad is a recommended hair restoration
You can not use oil in the transplanted area whether Fue or FUT procedure for 30 days. However if you want to remove crust and scabs ,you may use olive oil with gently with finger tips so that transplanted follicles would not dislodge.
Basically these are Mesotherapy injections or you may say some companies marketed as protein injections to control hair fall and hair loss. Series of injections are required weekly basis to stop hair fall.
Complete Wellness For You
FUE (Follicular unit extraction) Hair Transplant:
FUE hair transplant in Lahore Pakistan is performed without stitches and no linear scar in the donor area by a Fue specialist surgeon. F.U.E. is the abbreviation of Follicular unit extraction. It is recognized to be one of the most prominent and advanced methods of hair restoration which can be used to better deal with the condition of the baldness. FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) Hair Transplant is the latest technique that is employed for the restoration of the bald area of your head or even the thin hair texture on top of your scalp. All your follicles are removed off from the main donor area without the need for any cuts or stitches as well as incision. Later on, all these grafts or the follicles are transplanted towards the main recipient area. FUE grafts are then removed off on an individual basis and one after another under the complete magnification.To perform this whole technique, the follicular unit extraction instrument is employed which is known to be one of the most emerging techniques in the hair restoration process. Hence at the end of the day, the basic technique will remain the same however a change is expected in the selection of instrument which completely depends on the surgeon’s preference and bald condition.
FUT is also known as “Strip” surgical treatment. It is an old technique of hair restoration in which the surgeon removes off the strip by linear scaring right from the main donor area which is usually backside of the scalp. This whole harvested strip is then dissected under the stereo microscopes into thin slivers. Right through these slivers, single follicles are then dissected and all these grafts or the follicles are then transplanted to the recipient or the bald area of the scalp. The course of linear incision is then stitched through the use of sutures. The donor area of the scalp is closed in a manner in which after a couple of months, hairs start to regrow in a completely natural manner. This entire method of stitches is performed with a latest technique known as Trichophytic Closure. Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) is accompanied by the linear scar right into the donor area before you commenced the Trichophytic Closure process in the last few years. Hair transplant in Pakistan is mostly performed through FUE technique due to less pain and more number of grafts can be extracted from scalp, beard, chest and body.
Hair transplant in Lahore Pakistan surgeon himself performs whole extraction of grafts instead of technicians. This way we make it sure your follicular unit extraction procedure will be carried out by a professional, trained and foreign qualified hair surgeon. Grafts are extracted from donor area one by one and these grafts have more survival rate as compared to FUT or strip method grafts. As Fue grafts do not require too much time for separation and implanted immediately after extraction. The whole extraction of grafts from donor area is performed by an experienced surgeon himself so there is less or minimal transaction rate and high survival rate at our hair clinic in Lahore Pakistan. Our clinic is producing persistently best Fue results in Pakistan as this procedure can give natural looking frontal hairline and results are at par with strip surgery aesthetically.