Best hair transplant in Rawalpindi is claimed by many clinics but results are not up to mark and many patients travel to our clinic Lahore for the top quality procedures and technique. Hair loss has now become a common issue faced by both men and women equally all over the world. The cause of this widespread concern can be blamed on various reasons including hereditary make up, unhealthy lifestyle, depression or some other disease. No matter what the underlying reason for this hair loss is, if it is not treated in the initial stages it can turn out to be quite severe. And this worsening of the situation can lead to an individual’s lower self esteem and lack of confidence. Hair restoration surgery can be the perfect solution when there is no other option. It is a cosmetic surgery where patients get follicles extracted from one area of the head (usually from the back of the head) and placed in the area that is affected by baldness. Within a few months the patients start growing naturally in the treated area. This regrowth can be taken care of like natural hair: they can be trimmed, shaved and styled in any desired way.
Best hair transplant Rawalpindi
The best clinics use two famous surgical techniques. Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) is an old technique but is still quite popular whereas Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is a modern and advanced method of baldness treatment. FUT involves the surgeon cutting out a skin tissue from back of the head with follicles on it. These follicles or grafts are removed from the tissue and are placed in incisions made on the recipient area. In FUE the surgeon extracts individual grafts from donor region and inserts them in the recipient area, in the exact order they were extracted. Both the procedures are widely used all over the world.
Best hair restoration clinic in Pakistan
Hair restoration clinics are the best in Pakistan. They provide an amiable environment for the patients visiting for consultation. During consultation the patient is given complete details regarding the Pre-op and Post-op care needed during the treatment and given an estimate of cost and the expected results. For pre-op care, patients are told to stop exercising a few days prior surgery, quit smoking, wash hair a day before surgery and to stop taking multivitamins. Patients are also required to shave their head prior surgery. And for post-op, patients need to avoid scratching or touching the treated area, hair products, swimming in chlorine water and any type of exercise.
Hair transplant procedure cost
Hair transplant in Rawalpindi is considered best because of its low cost. Almost everywhere hair restoration surgery is charged according to the number of grafts transplanted. There are other factors that can affect the price of the treatment i.e. experience of the surgeon, thickness in donor area and the technique used. FUE cost more than FUT as the procedure is complicated and requires more time. But the range of cost for the procedure is around 80,000/- to 250,000/- Rs. The final cost of the treatment also includes the post-op medications used by the patient.
Hair transplant in Rawalpindi is best in terms of the outcome of the surgery. The patient can go home after surgery and can return to his everyday life. After the surgery, patient heals in a few days i.e. 6-7 days for FUE and 2-3 weeks for FUT. Within a few weeks after surgery the patient start losing the transplanted hair which is a normal occurrence and the hair start growing back after about 3-6 months. The complete growth or result can take up to 12 months. The results are natural and permanent which makes it one of the best cosmetic surgeries.
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