Hair transplant complications


Hair transplant complications come with the implant itself. It is the surgical method in which the follicles from the donor area are removed and implanted where the person is facing alopecia. This method is used to treat the male pattern baldness etc. The surgeon removes the follicles from the part of the body where there is excessive growth and place where there is loss of follicles. They have become more common since the last two decades because everyone is appearance conscious these days. Not only the celebrities but also local people are opting for implants nowadays. These implants can be done for men who suffer from pattern baldness, people who face excessive fall or thinning due to some accident or burn. But an implant is not a good option for people who have a genetic history of baldness, who do not have enough donor sites or face alopecia due to chemotherapy or medications. Hair transplant cost in Pakistan is affordable and many people travel from abroad due to low cost.

Hair transplant complications

Hair transplant complications vary from person to person; the patient may feel pain and soreness and there may be swollen patches. The surgeons prescribe some anti-inflammatory drugs to relieve the pain and swelling. Every patient should be fully aware of the pros and cons of the surgery and discuss them with their surgeon beforehand. Sometimes, side effects may be drastic and can affect the patients socially and psychologically. The issues can be minimized if the treated area is taken well care of. It’s the duty of the surgeon to fully guide, plan and operate the patient regarding the surgery and the side effects. The most common cause of baldness is due to family history. This condition runs in families and is transferred from one generation to another. Hormonal changes which occur due to the use of medicines or drugs can also be the cause of alopecia. For example; cancer, menopause, childbirth, scalp infections, arthritis, heart problems or high blood pressure cause weakening of the hair. Hairstyling and using strong chemicals on the scalp may result in the damage which can be permanent too. Making very tight ponytails, braids weaken the follicles. Any depressing event, trauma or stress also weakens the follicles and causes loss. Dieting and not eating properly can cause extreme loss. When one’s body doesn’t get enough proteins then they start falling out. The symptoms include decrease of hair on the top of the head which mostly affects men (pattern baldness). This affects people as they age. The affected person experiences a receding hairline from the sides and the top of the head. Some cases show circular or patchy heads. The scalp becomes itchy and dry. In cases of stress or trauma, the follicles weaken and fall out when combing or washing, but it is a temporary condition. In medical treatments like radiotherapy in cancer, the patient experiences loss of follicles on the entire body. The scalp and the other parts of the body may be reddish, itchy and painful. 

Some of the general hair transplant complications include not using well anesthesia which leaves adverse effects on the patient. The anesthesia should be properly tested before using it in surgery. Because the reactions caused by local anesthesia may affect the treated areas adversely. Before and after the surgery, pain is a common complication which can be easily treated by antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medicines. Bleeding and swelling can also occur after or during the surgery but the surgeons prescribe some medicines which lessen the pain. The transplant also causes itching which occurs due to the dryness and crusting. Saline sprays and aloe vera used multiple times can minimize itching and dryness. There are some myths related to this which are widespread. These myths include shampooing on a daily basis, dandruff and stress may result in permanent baldness. Or shaving your head may result in thicker follicles or standing on your head would increase your circulation which may strengthen the hair, brushing 100 strokes daily etc. These are all baseless talks.

Scarring is one of the most common hair transplant complications. Visible scarring can be observed at the treated area of the patient. FUT implant can leave visible scars at the treated area. In order to avoid scarring, the surgeons opt for micro-pigmentation treatments and antibiotics. Another issue that arises is the formation of cysts or inflammations. Due to any physical injury, infection or chemical exposure, the hair follicles may swell up and form cysts later on which can be painful. The formation of cysts may be mild to the formation of pustules. Surgeons prescribe some anti-inflammatory ointments or antibiotics which minimize the effects of the cysts formed. Crusting is also a common side effect that arises after the implant. It occurs due to the dryness in the epidermis surrounding the graft after 24-48h of the implant. The crusting disappears after 7-10 days mostly. The dryness won’t affect the recovery process of the treated area until the dryness lasts for a long period of time. It is recommended to wash the treated area after 48 hours to dissolve the dryness. And apply a moisturizer or ointment after the wash to soften the crusts. But if the dryness doesn’t fade away after 9-10 days, one must consult the doctor.

Loss of sensation is also one hair transplant complication. Temporary loss of sensation after the implant in the donor and recipient sites may occur which is the result of the numbing of the nerves. The sensation returns after 6-12 months after the implant. Although infections in the scalp are very rare. But they may occur in some patients. Infections are mostly the result of poor hygiene, excessive dryness or preexisting medical risks. Therefore, it is advised not to touch the treated area and keep it clean. Cobblestoning occurs when the follicles are grafted in the holes which are either too small or grafted at the wrong depths. Pigmentation can occur on the skin if it is exposed to the sun-rays. Protecting your head from UV rays of the sun and oiling it twice a week ensures stronger hair. If you’re a cancer patient then wear a cooling cap during chemotherapy, this reduces the chances of baldness. It is advised to avoid direct sunlight on the treated area for about 1 month. Implants on the long term vary from person to person depending on their histories and medical conditions. Typically, people who get follicles grafted continue to grow on the treated area but the texture and density of the follicle would be thin. The new follicles may appear thin depending on the curl, medical conditions of the patient, genetic history of the patient on hair loss and the scalp laxity. Although every procedure has its pros and cons, there is hope to everything. The procedure requires a whole team of expertise that work with the surgeon during the procedure. Nobody wants to compromise on the quality of their procedure. There are a lot of places which offer transplants at a much lower price than others. Therefore, think twice before getting a sub-standard implant. When you go to a qualified and experienced surgeon then you are guaranteed quality and aftercare. Therefore, putting your appearance on stake is not a sound man’s call.  So, before an implant it’s the duty of the surgeon to fully guide, plan and enlighten the patient with the pros and cons of the procedure. Not all implants fail and not every patient suffers from all the complications listed above. 

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